Water Filtration: The Dangers of Water That Is Too Clean

The demand for filtered water and water filtration systems for homes and offices has been growing steadily for years, representing a consistent, multi-billion dollar industry. This is largely because over 3.3 million people die annually from disease caused by poor water quality (WHO), and most people realize that it's smart to make sure your water is clean to prevent disease and illness. But can water that is too clean be dangerous to your health? Unfortunately, the answer is 'yes', and there are multiple dangers of drinking water that is too clean, or over-filtered.

Many years ago, distilled water was highly regarded as the 'best water you could drink' because it was totally pure---the water is heated until it vaporizes into steam leaving all impurities behind and resulting in pure H20. Later, it was discovered that drinking distilled water leeches vital nutrients and electrolytes from your body, your organs, skin, everywhere and can cause your entire nervous system and organs to begin failing, leading to liver, kidney, and other organ damage, as well as premature aging, heart disease, muscle weakness, and more. In fact, water without the natural calcium, magnesium and other important minerals is actually acidic, and increases acid in the body, which causes further damage to tissues, blood vessels, cells, etc.

And guess what-it isn't just distilled water that's dangerous. Overly-filtered water in bottled water like Aquafina, Dasani, and others, or water that's been filtered by a Zerowater units is also devoid of the normal minerals needed to make the water alkaline or healthy for you. How do I know? I took a TDS meter (total dissolved solids) meter supplied by Zerowater and tested several bottled waters like Aquafina and Dasani---and the reading was 0.003 and 0.017-way under the normal range in our tap water of 175, and certainly way under mineral water which can run up to 300 or higher. And Zerowater, as good of a filter as it is, literally makes the water too clean and removes everything down to zero. When you drink water that is that pure, your body pulls minerals from your organs and tissues to balance or alkalize the water so it's not acidic anymore and can be used by the body.

Eventually, without consistent electrolyte and mineral supplementation, we become deficient and things start going wrong. So, our recommendation is to drink mineral water or at least drink tap water filtered by a good sediment and activated carbon system for removing particles, giardia & other organisms, pesticides, chlorine, not ion exchange that removes the minerals, etc So if you don't feel your best, it could be something in... or rather, not in the water!

We do also recommend that since we only drink about two quarts of water a day, but breathe about 3000 gallons of air a day in our homes and offices, that you certainly make sure your air is properly filtered with a portable air purifier, to prevent those bacterial, mold, viral, dander, and chemical pollutants from taking a toll on your health, too. If you would like more information on water or air purification, please contact me directly below.