Green Tea
Green tea originated in China. It is made from the leaves from Camellia Sinensis. Flavonoids are phytochemicals that are present in many plant products which contribute in many health benefits and it is considered to have the most flavonoids among many other food which are considered to be healthy. It is famous and cultivated mainly in Asia though it has gained popularity recently in the Western parts of the world.
Over the past few years there were many researches and nutrition specialists who have made it aware that green tea drinkers have a low risk of heart diseases and particular types of cancer. People who tend to lose weight drink it as it has the ability to use the stored fat in the body to produce energy. This phenomenon is called as fat oxidation. The varieties include Chinese tea, Japanese tea, etc.
Most people confuse green tea with oolong tea or black tea. Oolong tea and black tea are made from the same plants that are used to make green tea. The difference is the method of preparation. Oolong tea is partially fermented, black tea is fully fermented.
It is used to improve mental concentration. It is also used to treat stomach disorders, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, parkinson's disease, crohn's disease, diabetes, low blood pressure, dental cavities. Some medical practises include using green tea to prevent cancers like breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, gastric cancer, solid tumor cancer and skin cancers caused due to exposure to sunlight. Growth of unusual cells in the cervix in women is fought using it. The tea contains antioxidants which might help protect the heart and blood vessels. Some of the benefits of it cannot be explained even by the researchers.
The caffeine affects humans' thinking and alertness. It increases the blood pressure and urine flow if not consumed regularly. Drinking much of it due to the caffeine content likely could cause dehydration. Pregnant women cannot drink it as it can also cause vomiting, diarrhea and unusual cramping. People who do not have an auto-immune condition can drink green tea but people with any auto-immune condition is always advised against it. The auto immune diseases include asthma, lupus, cancer, etc. Too much hot tea can give the drinkers throat cancer, it is advised to drink it freshly made but slightly cooled.
There can be no one food or drink that is good for everyone.